Best Strategy To Win A PUBG Match

PUBG MOBILE: Best strategies to win a Match

The game pubg mobile is addictive and challenging,but player who gets into game and takes it seriously can win match easily. 

  • First and foremost use headphones since it helps you spot enemies with their footsteps sound.
  • Carry at least 4-5 smoke grenades.
    • They can be used to: 
    • Revive knocked teammates.
    • Use as cover in open field.
    • Used to loot air drop in open area.
  •  Don’t carry too much ammo ,it takes lot of space ,180 bullets is sufficient.
  •  Don’t throw the 2x and red dot when you get better scope because they can be very helpful in last two zones.  
  •  Don’t loot while standing still. Always move your character. 
  •  You can use a technique called prone shooting. Going prone will give your opponent lesser body area to shoot. 
  •  Always carry a auto gun and a sniper with scope. As it always helps you in close and long range fight. 
  •  Avoid hotspots. While these areas provide you with better loot but these are the places where many enemies would land.
  •  When you reach top 10 ,let them fight and deal with the one left over. 
  •  Most important stay with the team and support each other and winner winner chicken dinner is yours.


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