Category: Courses

  • HTML Elements

    HTML Elements In HTML documents all elements are in the form of tags. HTML elements always starts and ends with the same tags the only difference is the forward slash </end tag>in the ending tag. Example  <h1>………….</h1> <p>………….</p> In between tags (elements) contents are inserted. Nested HTML Elements HTML elements can be in the nested…

  • HTML Introduction

    HTML Introduction

    Introduction  HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is the basis of any webpage, it can be written in the most basic text editor like “notepad” in Windows to most advanc word editors. HTML documents are made of texts enclosed in between different types of “tags” these tags are called HTML elements. These elements are…

  • PHP

    PHP PHP is a powerful server scripting language for dynamic and attractive web pages. PHP is free and widely used scripting language. Echo and print statement In PHP to output a data echo and print statement is used Echo and print both provides the same output echo can be used wih or without parentheses  echo…