NFT Basics In Simple terms


The word NFT is among the most searched google words in the year 2021.

NFT stands for Non-Fungible Tokens in simple words Non Fungible Token means Non Replaceable Tokens means no one can ever replace the record of creator and owner from a blockchain once created of your digital arts linked to a blockchain. Mainly NFT’s are minted on Ethereum blockchain but alternative blockchains are also available .

Non-Fungible Tokens and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether are the initial application of “Blockchain”  technology. Crypto experts around the world are trying to harvest the hidden treasures of Blockchain technology.

Most hyped words like web3, metaverse, NFT are the start of a new kind of internet as we know today.

How Does NFT Works

 NFT is one of many upcoming applications of Blockchain technology.

Anything in digital format like still jpg , vector drawings, songs, any audio, video, an article or an e book once minted on a blockchain and listed on a NFT marketplace can be termed as NFT.

NBA top shots, Bored Ape Yacht Club, and Important events video clips are some of the examples of NFT.

If you own any digital asset you can sell that on NFT marketplaces like opensea, rarible, Zora, curate etc.

Create/Buy/Sell Your First NFT

To create, sell or buy NFT, visit any available NFT marketplaces, connect your crypto wallet with some etherium balance in it to pay for the minting fee.

Upload your digital art, select from the available blockchains and create your first NFT. Once Someone buys your digital art you amount is directly credited to your wallet linked to the marketplace.

After connecting your crypto wallet you can also buy NFT’s already listed on the marketplace, there are millions of NFT’s waiting to be sold. 


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