PHP is a powerful server scripting language for dynamic and attractive web pages.

PHP is free and widely used scripting language.

Echo and print statement

In PHP to output a data echo and print statement is used

Echo and print both provides the same output

echo can be used wih or without parentheses 

echo or echo ()

echo statement ends with semicolon  “ ; ”

Data type

PHP supports following data types









PHP Operators 

  • Arithmetic 
  • Assignment 
  • Comparison
  • Increment/Decrement operators
  • Logical operator
  • String
  • Array
  • Conditional assignment 

PHP Switch 

Switch statement is used to select one block of many blocks of code to be executed. 

Like there are many codes to be executed but switch statement will provide us to chose one of them if condition satisfies.

PHP Functions 

A function name must start with a letter or _ function names are not case sensitive


function functionname() {

code to be executed;


PHP Superglabals Variables 

Superglobal variables are built in variables that are always available


$_SERVER is a super global variables which holds information about headers, paths and script locations.








Forms in PHP

The form is enclosed in form tags

<Form method=“get” action=“path/to/submit/



<!–- form contents –>


Explaining Form Tags

action= “path/to/submit/


is the page where form data is submitted

method= “get” is the method which is used to submit form data. There are two methods to get form data “get” and “post”


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