Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

Here are some essential Windows shortcuts to boost your productivity with these handy shortcuts


Ctrl + CCopy selected item(s) to the clipboard
Ctrl + XCut selected item(s) to the clipboard
Ctrl + VPaste item(s) from the clipboard
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action
Ctrl + YRedo the last action
Ctrl + ASelect all items in a document or window
Ctrl + SSave the current document or file
Ctrl + NOpen a new window or document
Ctrl + FOpen the “Find” window to search for text
Ctrl + PPrint the current document
Alt + TabSwitch between open windows or applications
Alt + F4Close the active window or application
Ctrl + Alt + DelOpen the security options menu
Ctrl + Shift + EscOpen Task Manager directly


Windows Key + EOpen file explorer
Windows Key + DShow or hide the desktop
Windows Key + TabOpen Task View to switch between open windows
Windows Key + ROpen the Run dialog box
Windows Key + MMinimize all windows
Windows Key + LLock the computer

Virtual Desktop Shortcuts

Windows Key + Ctrl + DCreate a new virtual desktop
Windows Key + Ctrl + F4Close the current virtual desktop
windows Key + Ctrl + ⬅️/ ➡️ Switch between virtual desktops


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