Author: aks0911

  • Beyond Bits and Bytes: Understanding Quantum Computing

    Introduction A quantum computer is a type of computing device that utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to perform computational operations. Unlike classical computers, which use bits to represent either 0 or 1, quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits. Qubits can exist in multiple states simultaneously, this property is known as superposition. This along…

  • The Wonders of Artificial Intelligence: Explore The World of AI

    Artificial Intelligence To understand AI (Artificial Intelligence) first we will discuss  intelligence. Knowledge and intelligence are two different things, knowledge means to know whereas intelligence is the process of the application of knowledge to solve the given problem by applying a better algorithm. The word ‘Artificial’ in the term Artificial intelligence means something that is…

  • Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

    Here are some essential Windows shortcuts to boost your productivity with these handy shortcuts General Ctrl + C Copy selected item(s) to the clipboard Ctrl + X Cut selected item(s) to the clipboard Ctrl + V Paste item(s) from the clipboard Ctrl + Z Undo the last action Ctrl + Y Redo the last action…

  • Say Hello to DragGAN – Generative Image Editing AI

    Say Hello to DragGAN – Generative Image Editing AI

    Introducing DragGAN, the latest sensation to captivate the internet following the triumph of chatbots like ChatGPT, Bard, and DALL.E (a revolutionary AI image generation tool). Developed by a collaborative team of researchers from Google, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, and MIT, DragGAN has arrived to revolutionise generative image editing. DragGAN: Unleash Your Creative Power with…

  • Web 3.0 – On  The Timeline Of Internet

    Web 3.0 – On The Timeline Of Internet

    Birth of Internet It’s a common misconception that the Internet and the web are synonymous, but they are distinct entities. The Internet serves as the foundation, while the web represents one method of utilizing it. Numerous methods, including Email, VOIP, and Video Conferencing, operate on the Internet alongside the web. The Internet signifies the interconnection…

  • Metaverse Explained

    Metaverse Explained



    Metaverse Metaverse is the most hyped word on the internet nowadays. It was first coined in 1992 by a sci-fi nobel writer Neal Stephenson to describe a 3D world. Once it was science fiction but nowadays it is getting closer to reality due to advancement in various tech sectors like Blockchain technology, Augmented reality and…