Author: aks0911

  • Install And Configure VSFTPD On Ubuntu

    VSFTPD As the name suggest vsftpds stands for Very Secure File Transfer protocol Daemon Server. This is the default FTP server in Ubuntu and many other linux systems. Installation Mostly vsftpd is installed on you system by default and if not you can do the same by entering following commands in terminal  First of all…

  • Install Apache Web  Server On Linux

    Install Apache Web Server On Linux

    Apache server Apache is a free, open source and most popular HTTP web server. It establishes a connection between a server and the browser like mozila, chrome, opera etc. Here I will show you how to install Apache server on linux OS (Ubuntu 20.04) Install Apache server on Ubuntu First of all update your operating…

  • Install Android Studio On Ubuntu

    Install Android Studio On Ubuntu

    Installing android studio First of all download the android studio package for linux from the website Then unpack the package in the desired directory in Home in my case I have unpacked it on Desktop. Now launch the terminal and navigate to the android studio folder cd Desktop/android-studio Or cd Desktop cd android-studio If you…

  • Know About Your System Hardware in Terminal: LINUX

    DMIDECODE So Friends event occurs when you have to know about your system Hardware, on occasions like when upgrading your system or while replacing components. Like in windows have many options to know about your hardware but in Linux operating system you don’t have many options. So here I will discuss about some useful tool…

  • InBuilt App lock For Apple IOS

    InBuilt App lock For Apple IOS

    App Lock Apple has given most secure screen lock finger prints / Face ID, but when it comes to lock individual apps Apple does not give much leverage to third party apps due to security reasons.On many occasions someone we know from our relatives or friends ask to use our devices for a particular application,…

  • Sync Google Drive With Your Computer

    Sync Google Drive With Your Computer

    Backup And Sync Google Drive is one of the most popular cloud Storage system. Most of the people around the globe use Google’s services and Google Drive is one of them. Google Drive offers 15 GB of free cloud storage for its registered users which can be used to store various types of data like…