Category: Uncategorized

  • Beyond Bits and Bytes: Understanding Quantum Computing

    Introduction A quantum computer is a type of computing device that utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to perform computational operations. Unlike classical computers, which use bits to represent either 0 or 1, quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits. Qubits can exist in multiple states simultaneously, this property is known as superposition. This along…

  • Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

    Here are some essential Windows shortcuts to boost your productivity with these handy shortcuts General Ctrl + C Copy selected item(s) to the clipboard Ctrl + X Cut selected item(s) to the clipboard Ctrl + V Paste item(s) from the clipboard Ctrl + Z Undo the last action Ctrl + Y Redo the last action…

  • Web 3.0 – On  The Timeline Of Internet

    Web 3.0 – On The Timeline Of Internet

    Birth of Internet It’s a common misconception that the Internet and the web are synonymous, but they are distinct entities. The Internet serves as the foundation, while the web represents one method of utilizing it. Numerous methods, including Email, VOIP, and Video Conferencing, operate on the Internet alongside the web. The Internet signifies the interconnection…

  • Create NFT For Free

    NFT Definition Any Digital art Like image, animation, video etc minted on a blockchain and listed on a market place is termed as NFT. Create And Sell NFT To create and sell digital art as NFT you first need to have a crypto wallet like Metamask, Rainbow, Argent, imToken etc. This crypto wallet will be…

  • BIOS setup and OS installation

    BIOS Settings and OS installation BIOS Setup After successful installation of the machine power on the system. You will be launched into the BIOS of the System. Different motherboards have slightly different BIOS setups. In the BIOS you can set up your fans speed, change boot order, overclock your system and know your hardware information.…

  • Steps to successfully build and run a Gaming Computer

    Step1: Choose your PC Hardwares. Step 2: Hardware installation. Step 3: BIOS Settings and OS installation.  Step 2: Hardware installation  After you have all your Hardwares now is the time to assemble your computing machine. So at the first “Get Your Cabinet ready”. Every computer cabinet has different configurations so follow the given guide in…