Category: Web

  • Web 3.0 – On  The Timeline Of Internet

    Web 3.0 – On The Timeline Of Internet

    Birth of Internet It’s a common misconception that the Internet and the web are synonymous, but they are distinct entities. The Internet serves as the foundation, while the web represents one method of utilizing it. Numerous methods, including Email, VOIP, and Video Conferencing, operate on the Internet alongside the web. The Internet signifies the interconnection…

  • Metaverse Explained

    Metaverse Explained



    Metaverse Metaverse is the most hyped word on the internet nowadays. It was first coined in 1992 by a sci-fi nobel writer Neal Stephenson to describe a 3D world. Once it was science fiction but nowadays it is getting closer to reality due to advancement in various tech sectors like Blockchain technology, Augmented reality and…

  • NFT Basics In Simple terms

    NFT The word NFT is among the most searched google words in the year 2021. NFT stands for Non-Fungible Tokens in simple words Non Fungible Token means Non Replaceable Tokens means no one can ever replace the record of creator and owner from a blockchain once created of your digital arts linked to a blockchain.…

  • Gmail Features You Must Know

    Gmail Features You Must Know

    Get Most Out Of Gmail Gmail is one of the most popular mailing service on the planet, almost each one of us uses it in one or another way. But do you know, Gmail has released many features since its birth. Here We will learn some interesting and productive features. Here are Gmails Top features…

  • Share Photos without loosing Original Quality

    Transfer Files Using Google Drive Situation occurs when you have to share photos and videos to someone else, but if you use Whatsapp, Telegram or other such services you will loose the original Quality of your File, which is a problem. Best way to share photos in original quality There are various methods of sharing…

  • Sync Google Drive With Your Computer

    Sync Google Drive With Your Computer

    Backup And Sync Google Drive is one of the most popular cloud Storage system. Most of the people around the globe use Google’s services and Google Drive is one of them. Google Drive offers 15 GB of free cloud storage for its registered users which can be used to store various types of data like…