Tag: NFT

  • Metaverse Explained

    Metaverse Explained



    Metaverse Metaverse is the most hyped word on the internet nowadays. It was first coined in 1992 by a sci-fi nobel writer Neal Stephenson to describe a 3D world. Once it was science fiction but nowadays it is getting closer to reality due to advancement in various tech sectors like Blockchain technology, Augmented reality and…

  • Create NFT For Free

    NFT Definition Any Digital art Like image, animation, video etc minted on a blockchain and listed on a market place is termed as NFT. Create And Sell NFT To create and sell digital art as NFT you first need to have a crypto wallet like Metamask, Rainbow, Argent, imToken etc. This crypto wallet will be…

  • NFT Basics In Simple terms

    NFT The word NFT is among the most searched google words in the year 2021. NFT stands for Non-Fungible Tokens in simple words Non Fungible Token means Non Replaceable Tokens means no one can ever replace the record of creator and owner from a blockchain once created of your digital arts linked to a blockchain.…