Category: Uncategorized

  • Build A Computer A Comprehensive Step By Step Guide

    Computer System The Computer System is a very vast subject with lots of varieties. Any configuration of computing hardwares along with its associated softwares can be termed as a Computer System. There are different combinations being used in today’s world, here we will discuss “Personal Computer”  Personal Computer  These are a category of computing system…

  • Top 10 IPad/Iphone Features You Must Know

    Top 10 IPad/Iphone Features You Must Know

    Top IPad/IPhone features you might not be knowing  As we all know IOS is best known for its strong privacy. But along with privacy it also provides some exclusive features which you will not find anywhere else. Here we are going to discuss some of the IOS features which you must know.  Take screenshot of…

  • JavaScript

    Java script is used to change HTML. It can change HTML attribute’s value and HTML style (CSS). It was invented by Brendan Eich in 1995, later Javascript became ECMA standard in the year 1997. Introduction Javascript is an essential component of web development. In HTML JavaScript code is inserted between <script> tags. Scripts can also…

  • InBuilt App lock For Apple IOS

    InBuilt App lock For Apple IOS

    App Lock Apple has given most secure screen lock finger prints / Face ID, but when it comes to lock individual apps Apple does not give much leverage to third party apps due to security reasons.On many occasions someone we know from our relatives or friends ask to use our devices for a particular application,…